A Mermaid’s Tale: The Golden Seahorse

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With a splash of her fin, she disappeared beneath the watery depths on a new odyssey—wandering in search of hidden trinkets and baubles, much like a crow attracted to shiny objects.

On her adventure, she discovered a creature as lighthearted and carefree as herself, a majestic golden seahorse frolicking among the eel grass. “Follow me,” laughed the mermaid.

“I am a drifter,” called the seahorse, “at the whim of the ocean tides…at the whim of the surging surf…at the whim of where the sea carries me…”

“Come,” again, laughed the mermaid, “I will carry you, mighty seahorse, for you are the king of the sea. You have a gift of yourself to share with the other creatures of the deep.”

With that, she gently raised the seahorse in her hands, then swam, gliding along through the briny waves. Together, they passed many brilliantly colored coral reefs alive with vibrant ecosystems working together in support of each other. “Well, what did you hear?”, asked the mermaid.

Confused, the seahorse looked hard at the mermaid, thinking, “What did I hear?!!!? What on earth does she mean? What is she talking about? I heard the waves crashing, but what else…What?….” In that moment, a small warmth began radiating from the seahorse’s heart and he became filled with tremendous excitement. Although the seahorse realized that he was indeed very tiny, he was actually part of something really big.

“Thank you!!!”, the seahorse exclaimed with gratitude to the mermaid, “I am the king of my own little part of the sea and I am responsible to oversee it and ensure it flourishes. I do what I do best, which is being a seahorse—being me—and that makes me happy!!

When I am happy and full, I have more of myself to give to others, and that is my life’s work!” He realized his purpose—by living his life in his own special seahorse way—he contributed to the happiness and well-being of all the sea creatures on the reef—including himself.

“You’ve got it!!”, smiled the mermaid, “Inside, you’ve felt it all along. It was just waiting for you to be still and listen to your heart.” ♥

Her siren song still hauntingly calls to me to explore the wondrous ocean and life beneath its salty waves, while respectfully reflecting on how those briny waters contribute to our existence—inspiring me to not squander my light but to let it glow through the translucency of glass.

I’d love to hear what inspires you to follow your passion!! Have you recently paused and listened to your own heart? ♥

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